It looks like Delta 7 has closed up its doors. It's been a great 4 years of riding and racing the Arantix. I've put over 1000 miles per year on the frame and have enjoyed every minute of it. It will be a memorable period in my life that has been captured fully in this blog. But it is time to retire the blog as well. I have saved these files and will keep these memories for review once in my rocking chair years.
BUT I am not retiring from blogging. I've found it has helped me be more reflective of my actions and thoughts and in some way has become a public journal of my life. Someday perhaps my children can review them and have a better insight into their father. I will continue my blogging on a different site.
I will still be riding and racing the Arantix for this year and will be shopping for a new bike next year. I'm not ready to hang up the WoW frame yet. Hope to see you all out there and on the other blog front.